Sexual Citizens and Your Syllabus

Here’s our thoughts, FWIW, in terms of integrating the book into your syllabus:

  • For a graduate-level class, 275 pages of the main text (plus the 16 page methods appendix) is doable in one week.

  • For undergraduates, we recommend teaching it over two weeks

    • Assign chapters 1-5 (pages ix through 145) the first week

    • Assign chapters 6-conclusion (146-274) the second week

Discussion Guide

Want to talk about Sexual Citizens with your family, community, or book? Here’s a Sexual Citizens discussion guide to help you get started.

“Micro” Lectures

Each of these is a separate file, to be used in any combination you choose.

Ethnographic Methods: Introduction & Overview

Part I: How Do You Study Something You Can't Observe

Part II: How Do You Recruit People to Talk about Stigmatized Behaviors

Part III: Ethical Challenges of Research on Campus Sexual Assault

The book’s conceptual scaffolding: three micro-lectures

Sexual Projects

Sexual Citizenship

Sexual Geographies

Sexual Assault and Inequality

Race and Campus Sexual Assault

LGBTQ Vulnerability to Campus Sexual Assault

Gender and Beyond: Power and Campus Sexual Assault

Campus Sexual Assault: A Public Health Perspective

Teaching Guide - Tips for Teaching Sexual Citizens

Want to teach Sexual Citizens, and would like some help creating a supportive & safe context for students? Here’s some guidelines to best practices for teaching about campus sexual assault in a higher-ed setting.